MindShapers: Unleash Your Potential Through DMIT & Mid Brain Activation



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” A Child brain has infinite possibilities in Imagination. Potential test gives it direction and focus. Inborn Potential Test “

” Identify your inborn potential with the global advancing science of Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Testing ” – DMIT

We administer DMIT Tests, utilizing finger print scanning technology to reveal insights into your brain’s structure. This aids in understanding innate talents, strengths, and weaknesses. Through computer-assisted behavioral and medical biometric assessments, profiling, and diagnostic aids based on Dermatoglyphics study, our analysts uncover innate intelligence and optimal learning methods. Additionally, we offer professional advice for short and long-term problem-solving.


Types of Multiple Intelligence

After years of extensive research Prof Howard Gardner defined 8 intelligences. The multiple intelligences he defined are :

The ability to think in pictures and visualize future results.
The ability to imagine things in your mind’s eye.
The ability to perceive spatial information.
Those with strong spatial intelligence are often proficient at solving puzzles. This intelligence is high in artists, photographers, pilots, painters and architects.

The ability to read, write, and communicate with words.
The ability to use language to express one’s thoughts and to understand other people orally or in writing.
They tend to learn best by reading, taking notes, listening to lectures, and discussion and debate.
This intelligence is high in writers, lawyers, philosophers, journalists, politicians and teachers.

The ability to distinguish among an individual’s own feelings, to accurate mental models of themselves, and use them to make decisions about life.
The capacity to know one’s self, Careers which suit those with this intelligence include philosophers, psychologists, theologians, writers and scientists.

The ability to reason and calculate.
Enables individuals to use and appreciate abstract relations.
The ability to manipulate numbers, quantities, operations, etc.
Many scientists, mathematicians, engineers, doctors and economists function in this level of intelligence.

Allows one to distinguish among, classify, and use features of the environment.
The ability to discriminate among living things and to see patterns in the natural world.
Careers which suit those with this intelligence include wild Life Photographer, naturalists, conservationists, gardeners and farmers.

Enables individuals to recognize and make distinctions among others’ feelings and intentions.
The ability to work effectively with others and display empathy.
Careers which suit those with this intelligence include politicians, managers, teachers, and social workers.

Allows individuals to use all or part of one’s body to create products, solve problems, or present ideas and emotions.
Using the body in highly differentiated ways for expressive, recreational, or goal directed purposes.
People who have this intelligence usually enjoy acting or performing, and in general they are good at building and making things.
Careers which suit those with this intelligence include athletes, dancers, actors, surgeons, builders and soldiers.

Learning Styles

Prof. Neil Flemming said there are three ways by which we receive information and our brain shows a preference towards any action.

He classified these three learning styles :

If inputs will be given to any individuals, specially children, they will tend to learn, memorize and retain more. This will be beneficial in the golden formative years of the children. Our DMIT gives a lot of emphasis on these learning styles by educating parents about it and by telling them to apply and practice the same with their children.

The theory is widely known as VAK theory. Visual learners learn more when they are exposed to visual inputs. They learn by seeing and watching. Auditory learners respond to verbal communication. They learn and absorb by listening to instructions. They form the sounds of words and other information in their mind. Kinesthetic learners are action oriented and they do and perform activities to understand and remember subjects.

This concept has lot of applicative potential. Its gaining momentum to implement it in classroom learning. Our idea is to create three sections in play-schools based on these three learning styles and then to impart education accordingly. This will help children learn fast and it will ease stress in them as they will not be unnecessarily under pressure to study in a way that’s not their preferred style of learning.

Types of Quotients

Ability to reason and think .
Predictor of performance.
Ability to manage numbers.
Ability to analyze.
Ability to apply logic, language and grammar.
High IQ doesn’t mean more intelligent & visa-versa.

Ability to understand and manage self’s & others emotions EQ.
High EQ make you a man of \management.
Predictor of your Emotion Management.
Directly proportional to your managerial skills.

Ability to understand music & art.
Predictor of your creativity.
High CQ makes you a man CQ of Painting & Dance.
Out of the box thinking.
Doing something different better & new.

Ability to handle tough situations.

Pain taking capacity.

Mentally strong people.
Tough mind set.
Never give up attitude.
Situation fighter.
High energy level.

Vision as imagination.
Predictor of performance.
Ability to see higher Spiritual forces.
Confidence in achieving the vision.
Wonderful dream vision of the future.
Working with imagination, insight, boldness.

Acquiring methods

There are five types of acquiring methods. Which are:

” What’s your Child’s Potential? Does it Really Matter? “
” DMIT is Ideal for KIDS|Teenagers|Adults “

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